Stylesheet creation for technical publications
One of the main advantages of working with structured content is the ease with which the data can be configured for almost any output. However, this can also become an issue with different customers requesting different and equally valid formats.
Contiem have been developing and modifying stylesheets for a variety of applications and standards for many years for the Aerospace and Defence industry. Contiem have the knowledge and experience to develop bespoke templates within authoring tools or fully standards compliant stylesheets.
Print stylesheets can be developed in a variety of applications including:
and for such standards as:
Further information
Please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page, or via the contact us page.

UK MOD standards
We have long been involved in work for the UK MOD. From bespoke applications for the then RAF Handling Squadron – now the Defence Aircrew Publications Squadron – using AvP70, to modern S1000D stylesheets producing AESPs (Army Equipment Support Publications), Contiem has the expertise.
The UK MOD has a long history of leading the world in publication standards. From the JSP180 series, with AvP70, AESP and BR (Navy Books of Reference), which evolved to become JSP(D)543, we hves been able to support the British military.
These days, the MOD mainly contracts for S1000D, in accordance with Def Stan 00-601, however, individual services often still want a printed (or PDF) copy of a familiar format. Indeed, when it comes to specialist publications such as Flight Reference Cards (FRC) or Flight Crew Checklist (FCC) there can be no compromise about the presentation. The UK MOD’s cards have been copied around the world as best practice, and our Crew application stylesheet is able to take S1000D and produce Crew cards directly.
If you are supplying the UK MOD with S1000D data and need a formatting or BookBuild application then Contiem has your answer.
Stylesheet development
Much of our custom stylesheet development these days supports our notusBookBuild and notusCSDB print engines, as these are the latest and fastest technology, using XSL-FO.
We have stylesheets for S1000D, ATA CMP using S1000D data modules and the Civil Air Working Group S1000D/ATA Business Rules. We also have default stylesheets for AESPs and Crew cards.
We also have an extensive range of ATA publication stylesheets using iSpec 2200, for many different format outputs – AMM, CMM, Engine Manual, Wiring and more.
However, aside from these default stylesheets, we are able to produce customisations to client requirements or develop completely new designs based on your specification. These can be built on any of our platforms – and we can advise which is the most appropriate depending on the underlying data, the desired output format, and the editing environment you already have available.
Why worry about stylesheets?
Reuse your data
What’s a stylesheet ever done for me? Well, it can let you produce one set of data and deliver it to many different customers, in the format they desire. In the example here, the stylesheets from left to right are ATA-CMP, AESP, S1000D and Crew (the cards are a smaller size to be easily hand-held)
(click to open larger image)
Contact us now
Fill in the form below with a brief message about your requirement and one of our team will be in touch to help.