S1000D CSDB alternative? Use Contiem’s Data Reference Manager (DRM) productivity tool

Many organisations do not have access to an S1000D compliant CSDB nor need the full functionality of a CSDB. Many clients cannot justify the cost of a CSDB but would benefit from some of the functionality that this can give.

In response to that Contiem have provided the Data Reference Manager (DRM) which is a Productivity Tool and is incorporated Eclipse S1000D for Frame and Arbortext. This extra functionality greatly speeds up the creation and editing of S1000D data modules and, perhaps more important, helps to ensure accuracy of inserted information thus reducing the amount of rework due to errors.

Data Reference Manager (DRM) will help users with

  • Insertion of references to other Data Modules
  • Insertion of Illustrations
  • Insertion of references to Technical Publications
  • Insertion of Supplies, Spares and Support Equipment

As with other aspects of the Eclipse S1000D application, provision has been made for configuring and automatic switching between, several independent projects driven by the MODELIC part of the Data Module Code. The Database Tables can reside either on the client machine or on a network so that many authors can simultaneously access the information.

Authoring interface

The Authoring Interface detects the insertion of Reference to Data Modules, Reference to Technical Publications, Illustrations, Supplies, Spares and Support Equipment and allows pre-defined information to be automatically inserted. The supplied sample database is populated using simple to create spreadsheets samples of which are also supplied. The database content can be modified directly using the Management Interface. The insertion of the various S1000D elements (e.g. dmRef) is intercepted by the Authoring Interface which then displays the associated User Interface page to enable the user to select the required item.

Management interface

The Management Interface permits the user to define Data Module Code and Illustration Control Number structures for each project required. The Database stores Data Module Codes (for the insertion of Reference Data Modules), Illustration Control Numbers together with the associated filenames in addition to Supply, Spares and Supplied Equipment details. These last three items can ensure that Authors will only insert approved details into the Data Modules. For each of these items it is possible to modify and delete individual entries in the Database as well as import this information from an Excel Spreadsheet (sample spreadsheets are provided). The Management Interface does not require the installation of any third party applications.

As part of the re-engineering process interface layers have been incorporated which make the integration of third part CSDB application much easier to create and, at the same time, presenting a common interface for the Author.

Further information

For more information, contact Contiem.

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